Female Entrepreneurs
Let's Stop Dreaming & Start Doing!
Join us for a 90-Minute Doing Day where we'll grow our business together and enjoy good conversation, community and coffee too!
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Virtual Doing Day

Date: Thursday 26th of August
Time:  6:00 PM EST
Venue: Keep an eye on your inbox for log in details! 


Very Limited Doing Day. 
Secure your place now to avoid missing out on some serious doing.

Connect & Network

Meet other like-minded female entrepreneurs who are also building their own profitable, lifestyle business!
What we'll be getting done together...
Million Dollar Mindset Makeover
Breakthrough the mindset blocks that are limiting your business potential

We’ll identify the biggest mindset block that’s holding you back in growing your business… and conquer it fast!

Feeling burned out, overwhelmed, ill-equipped or like an imposter in your business?
Every successful entrepreneur experiences these frustrations at times…

But the good news is, it is totally in your control how you choose to use your mind and invest in your mindset as an entrepreneur.

During this Doing Day we’ll equip you with the tools you need to master your mind, no matter what business or life throws at you.

Who It's For

Female entrepreneurs who are ready to roll up their sleeves, learn some really cool things and get stuff DONE 

Hi, I'm Theresa M Levine,

Theresa is a Master EFT Practitioner (aka ""Tapping"") and Energy Coach. She helps ambitious entrepreneurial women grow their businesses while empowering them with amazing coping mechanisms to combat the stress and challenging emotions that often block success so they can manifest with clarity and purpose as they capably bring their ideas and dreams into reality with greater ease and alignment.

Theresa is an early riser who uses her ADHD as a superpower, geeks out on crystals and self help audiobooks and lives with her Husband, Jeff, and their 4 boys in Maryland.

Join her for this Doing Day and experience first hand some of the exact things she's used to take results-oriented action and level up TOGETHER!
x Theresa
Frequently Asked Questions
Who is the Doing Day for? 
This is for coaches, consultants and professional services businesses - or women who want to start one!

So long as you're a Doer and ready to roll up your sleeves and get stuff done, you're super welcome :-)

How long will it go for?
The Doing Day runs for 90 minutes but you're super welcome to hang around after to unwind and network with our lovely ladies!
Does it cost to attend?
Nope - this Doing Day is completely free!   

How is the Doing Day structured?
We'll kick off with some networking, then get down to "doing" and building out our Social Media strategy, both individually and in small groups to collaborate.  Then we'll wrap up by connecting over coffee and tea!
We can't wait to have you join us so we can 
Stop Dreaming and Start Doing together!
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